Directed by filmmaker Thomas Petersen, The Acquired Savant follows the story of how Jason Padgett became a savant and mathematical genius.
In his younger days, Jason was a very different person compared to today. Back then, life was all about working out, partying and getting laid. This was all about to change completely.
In 2002, Jason Padgett was the victim of a vicious beating outside a karaoke bar in Tacoma, Washington. Upon regaining consciousness, Padgett’s sight was forever altered by a condition called acquired savant syndrome.
The brain trauma opened his eyes to an entirely new world—one filled with patterns and strobes, like a stop-motion film.
This is a fascinating story into the hidden power of the mind and one man’s inspiring tale of courage and personal triumph.
- Info
- Release date2016
- Full runtime
- Director(s)Thomas Petersen
- Part of the seriesGreat Big Story
- Production companyGreat Big Story