The Secret Versailles of Marie Antoinette

The Secret Versailles of Marie Antoinette re-enacts the life of Marie Antoinette in Versailles, her life after getting out of Versailles in her get-away home “the Queen’s Hamlet” and the history during the end of the 18th century.

The Queen’s Hamlet is a palace disguised as a peasant’s cottage hidden in the Versailles gardens.

A romantic hideaway, Marie Antoinette conceived it as a reminder of her carefree youth in Vienna and as a secret refuge where she escaped her ceremonial life. It was here she sought happiness, the one thing seemingly forbidden to a queen caught in a golden prison cell.

This all ended very abruptly however, as The French Revolution went roaring through the streets killing every royal in France – including Marie Antoinette. Hereafter, the Queen’s Hamlet was left as a ruin.

Now, two centuries later it’s renovation finally begins.

The Secret Versailles of Marie Antoinette
  • Info
  • Release date2018
  • Full runtime
  • Director(s)Mark Daniels
  • Production companyZED