Japan: The People and Their Emperor

Take a look at the inner workings of how Japan’s ancient monarchy operates and its ancient history.

Said to be well over 2000 years, and having crossed the timeline of 126 different generations., Japan’s Imperial system is quite different today than it was in its ancient times.

But some of the ancient Imperial system’s traditions and rituals have lived on, some more obscure than others – and most unknown to the public.

Throughout Japan: The People and Their Emperor we’ll visit some of these esoteric rituals and traditions, gaining insights into the Japanese monarchy.

This documentary was fortunate enough to reenact some of the many rituals, some being shown to the public for the first time.

A closer look at these traditions reveals how the Imperial institution has shifted with the times, and with the people.

At a time when there are only 3 heirs to the throne, we take a look at what this could mean for the people of Japan and their Imperial system, based on newly-found information.

Japan: The People and Their Emperor
  • Info
  • Release date2019
  • Full runtime
  • Director(s)Tetsuji Miyagawa, Naoyuki Amano
  • Production companyNHK (Japan Broadcasting Corporation)