Born to Kill? is a chilling look into some of the most vile serial killers and their beastial murders. Join in, as we follow the inner workings of the serial killers and what drives the mind of murderer.
Episode 1: Richard Francis Cunningham

“The Torso Killer” Richard Cunningham was a serial killer who confessed to have brutally killed 93 women. Conducting his dark deeds in New York between 1967-80, Cunningham’s deranged way of killing was prone to involve sexual sadism – always torturing the victim to death.
After Cunningham was apprehended by the police, a “trophy room” at his house was found – this was where he kept personal effects from some of his victims.
Episode 2: Fred and Rosemary West

Episode two dives into the minds of English serial killers Fred West and his wife Rosemary West. Most of their murders occurred between May 1973 and August 1979, where the victims were buried near their homes in Gloucester.
Finally apprehended and charged in 1994, Fred West escaped his trial by committing suicide. Rose West, however, wasn’t as lucky. Sentences to life in prison which no parole, she was found guilty on 10 counts of murder.
Episode 3: Timothy Mcveigh

Follow the life of Timothy McVeigh in episode three. He was an American domestic terrorist who perpetrated the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing, which killed 168 people and injured over 680 others. The bombing was the deadliest act of terrorism within the United States prior to the September 11 attacks, and remains the deadliest act of domestic terrorism in United States history.
Episode 4: David Parker Ray

This episode takes a look at deranged serial killer, rapist and torturer David Parker Ray. Known more commonly as “The Toy Box Killer”, David Parker Ray’s life is investigated, the incident that revealed his brutal conducts to the police and his reasons as to why he was so obsessed with torturing and killing women.