This documentary follows the story of a woman fighting to prove her daughter-in-law was responsible for her son’s death.
On a hot night in 2002, a murder took place in Manila, Philippines. The victim was a British business man named Steven Alston Davis. His death would transform the life of his mother, Margaret Davis, forever.
For years, the case would go unsolved, while Margaret battled to piece together the clues to his death. Using every ounce of time, effort and money she had, her life became consumed in trying to figure out who had killed her son.
Evelyn Bohol, Steve’s wife, find herself at the very heart of these investigations.
Where are they now
Evelyn Bohol is still in prison for murdering her husband, she was given 40 years without remission.
Margaret Davis still lives in the U.K. where she takes care of her son’s kids – Joshua and Jessica. Every Christmas Margaret supposedly sends Evelyn Bohol a Christmas letter. In these Christmas letters she accounts for how her kids are doing well and how they are living a better life.
Old friends of Steven Alston Davis also sends their greetings during Christmas. Steven’s old go-to bar ‘Harry The Horse’ in Angeles city, Philippines, has sent some of the letters below. These letters were publicly available some years back on their website, but have since been deleted from their website and preserved beneath. However, some of their thoughts still remain online.
A letter from 2012, writes:
Evelyn, your two children Jessica and Joshua are growing into fine young children. Jessica is beautiful and Josh is handsome. They are well cared for, getting a good education and not missing their evil mother at all. I hope you are continuing to suffer a lousy life in prison and I continue to regret that you escaped a death sentence. The fact that you got a life sentence, 40 years, without remission, is a little satisfying. Knowing you will never see your children again is even more satisfying. They are having a fine Christmas, may yours be absolutely terrible.
In 2014, a letter wrote:
As usual I have included the updated picture of her children that she will never again hold in her arms, children that will never love her and only remember her as the greedy bitch that killed him for money and to be with her Filipino boyfriend. Like I wrote every year, I never know if she ever sees this message, I can only hope that someone gets it to her each year. The following is a message from Margaret and her husband Allan.
The kids are doing very well, Jessica is in the final year in high school and is looking to go to university to do business studies and sociology. Joshua is in the 2nd year in high school and wants to become a computer programmer. Wonder where he gets that from? They are very good and stable kids, and we are so proud of them both…
another Christmas letter from 2016, writes:
Now, I must send my annual Christmas greeting to the killer wife of Steven Davis. Evelyn dear I sincerely hope that you are having a miserable life in jail. Again I will include pictures of your two children that you will never meet again. Josh and Jessica are being well cared for by Margaret Davis and her husband Alan. They are being well educated and have a bright future in front of them.
I do not know if a murderer such as you can shed a tear but maybe seeing the kids you once shared with Steven might break through your greedy hard heart.
“cared for by Margareth and her husband”…who did write that letter ?
Know that Jessica knows her mother is not guilty, but is mentally very unstable… Has seen but the dark side of life…Mercy for Evelyn.
Margareth is a psychopath. It is why her boy could only buy a child being victim of prostitution by her family, put in a bar of a pimp, who did work together with the company Jade Cool, where Steven did “invent” the webcam-dating for prostitution of under-aged girls. What a hero ! How could Evelyn during 10 years “have” the identity of her sister Dianita, if that one was still alive , even mary and give birth under that name ? Why had she to take the place of Dianita in the brothel ? Isn’t it the impossibility to divorce, but the possibility to annulate the marriage, risking an inquiry concerning “who is, what happened with, the true Dianita” that motivated the murder ? Dunn and June Marvin Hernandez are a lot more “convincing” in the role of guilty… ( the lies concerning the “murder, how it happened” – testimonies of Dunn – and …the car, found back by June ). Evelyn, ignorant, traumatised, “educated” in a brothel is not a jewel. Nor Steven. Jade Cool -cluster has been dissoluted for the prostitution of under-aged girls, again Dunn escapes …MI 6 ?
Hope you rot in jail evelyn.
Hey Michael,
I am not sure what your agenda is or what your connection is with this tragic event, but one thing is clear. You are delirious. If you think for one minute that this young woman was not involved in the murder of her husband, than you have serious reality issues. She was caught in lies regarding her affairs. Do you think it was a coincidence that her lover drove to Manilla and killed her husband. He was positivley I.D.’d. She denied knowing him. She bought him a motorcycle. That is a proven fact. They traced the sale to her. You could argue that her level of involvement is open to debate, but she was involved. Her husband was no angel. He was a philanderer who had numerous extra marital affairs. However, this is not a grounds for murder. They should have divorced and gone their own separate ways. The problem is, she would lose on this course of action. You need to take your binders off and see reality. Stop defending a co-conspirator. She is exactly where she deserves to be. Stop deflecting with your nonsence.
Hello George
You are simply misinformed. Evelyn did not have an affair. Her claimed “lover” (Arnold) was a 31 year old married man, who was simply suited for the framing.
The story about the murder comes from one heavily involved source – Butas – the only one who “positively ID”s her – and who in return walked from a framed charge against him, by the same witness that had framed Arnold and Alexander: Mr. Mike Dunn.
Without this single testimony trial was not possible, according to the courts own statement.
The theory of murder – 4 people, including Evelyn (handling her kids to the nanny before leaving) – going in on a 5 hours car-trip from Angeles City to Makati, and parking there in a heavily trafficked are – is ridiculous. Only quality was that it supported Mike Dunn’s story of three men. Steven might have had numerous affairs, but that was not the reason he got killed. Steven and Mike Dunn was employed in JadeCool, the leading international sex trafficking ring with branches in Hong Kong and Manila, and had known serious concflicts.
It is all available on-line, with lots of supporting evidence. But yes, there are many more that just – like yourself – repeat the mainstream story.
Consider doing some research into justice.
Divorce doesn’t exist in the Philippines. Annulation. She was married too young and at the name of her sister Dianita. By LAW she would be a not-married mother, and ONLY SHE could have the guard of the children and Steven had to pay … Affair is possible, not sure. Mob? And the fishing boat ? And the light motor? Adoray was the husband of her cousin Liezl. Family, just as Butas, who with Carmen did have a room in the house in Angeles. Steve was obsessed with teens and worked in a company that did prostitute under-aged girls. That is how he met Evelyn. The problem is that she is illiterated and a Filipina: to save their face, they lie as hell. And of course, it was easy to show that… A Waray-waray family, the aunts old hookers of the American army…contempt granted. That attitude. But …the car has been found back by June, who was working for Dunn before even Steven, and who did recrute the “private” that produced the …paid eyewitnesses. Look back the non-senses of the declarations of Mike Dunn. He lies. Even “ito ba?”, as if Adoray didn’t know the face of Steven ? … The lies include the testimony of Butas ( the whole is absurd, and the car found back by June….. make it impossibly to be true). Real motive probably the risk that by annulation of the mariage, there would be an inquiry to know more about the REAL original Dianita. You can “employ” the identity of a dead person, if the dead is unknown… but 10 years, marry anf have 2 children at the name of your elder sister???? If she got killed, Salundago or Rosario and Dunn were involved, as well as the barkeeper where was prostituted Evelyn…
She IS innocent.
My comment to this letters to Evelyn Bohol. Davis. It is very harsh thing to say to a woman kids or about her kids yes it’s been some time now that she’s been in jail and it’s had plenty of time to realize what she has done and to understand what she has done but in order for her to give herself for what she’s done and for God to forgive her for what she’s done you should find it in your heart I know it will be hard for you but you need to find peace in your life by forgiving her for what she’s done. When that day comes she will have to face God herself or what she’s done but that’s no reason to throw on her face what’s going on with her kids and how well they’re doing but I know that is hard for a woman to do who lost her son because she’s so ignorant and angry but to use her kids against her and to make her feel as bad as she already does it’s not going to help anyone. . From my understanding between me and a lot of other people are fighting for justice her Evelyn because there are too many discrepancies and loopholes and everyone’s stories and testimonies there is evidence that was not brought up in court all these factors will come to light the truth will be shown and the only one that’s going to feel stupid is Margaret Davis if to this day September 15th 2022 there has been a lot of investigations taking place by a lot of people with a lot of power in the Philippines that are investigating everything about this story in this case so I am in support of Evelyn Bohol.
Stephens mother didn’t write this letter. The writing style doesn’t match the Stephens mother nor does her message in the video, plus I think the writer of this fake letter is a man. Who is the author of the article? With no link of the kids all grown up all this has to be fake news.
Case without explicit proof, and contains truly odd elements.
A planned kill, where Evelyn goes on along in the car, driving for several hours, just to show where Mick was living, on the very night of the murder?
This role of Evelyn’s part in the murders was necessary to get her convicted, as there was no evidence. It comes from from state witness who took part in the murder, and walked free as part of the deal.
Reading the brief trial transcripts clearly states that it is all a matter of belief and statement, including hearsay. Yes, we believe the state witness. No, we don’t believe the defendant.
The deal made with the state witness – walking scot free – is unknown, but Margaret kidnapped two children, before the trial were completed. That is a serious crime, and her motivation to justify this high. One of the judges in the case was involved in a bribe case.
The viscious letters to a woman who took a job to support her family, married Steven and had had her children are disturbing.
Margaret has with certainty shown her nature, and her role in the case will be undeniable.
Bravo ! Even, seen where the car was found back ( June… )… And how to emploi the identity of a living someone during 10 years? Dunn and the aunts of Evelyn where associated with the barkeeper where they forced Evelyn into prostitution at 13 years old. Big suspicion : Dianita was killed. And as there is no divorce possible in the Philippines, but there were means to obtain dissolution of the marriage, where AUTOMATICALLY the only family to have the children was Evelyn or her parents, and the father would have to support them; That is Philippina law. But if it went into that proceeding, there could come the inquiry concerning the true Dianita. If it was a murder-case, and in the world of prostitution of children…. that is a good motive to kill again, and empeach “dissolution” of the marriage…….
Doesn’t deserve to die, but he was a pedo?
Yes I truly believe that Margaret Davis had a lot to do with the judge’s decision as she spoke to the judge requesting that she has seen enough murder that she doesn’t want Evelyn to be sentenced to death does this sound like a grieving mother that wants Justice is any other mother would want her to be sentenced to death for killing their child but then Margaret is so hateful towards this girl and lovely steals her children from her before she was even found guilty in the court. I don’t believe that Evelyn signed documents giving up her rights to her children if you know the law in the Philippines the law states that the children her children are by law or to remain with the mother till they are 7 years old that is stated in the Philippine law so how was this mother woman able to take her kids from her out of the country so easily as you know it’s not that easy to get passports and from what Margaret says in the video that she’s already had possession of their passports. There’s just too many discrepancies and everyone’s testimony that I have read and feud on all the posts that were made about this case any good lawyer would see this.
YES, and pimp of children. He is the one that got the idea of webcam-chatt to organise the protitution of children; he abandoned the girl because she became a woman…
“Justice has been serve” It is a heartbreaking story . Steven is a very wonderful man inside and out . He is well educated guy. And to the family of Steven , I’m so sorry for the lost of your beloved son..
Evelyn is truly a murderer , evil woman and a liar…
You say this but not everyone has spoken about the truth about what Steven Davis was actually doing he’s not as innocent as everyone is making him out to me he’s been numerously engaging in other sexual activities with other women as it was shown the last video was taken of him partying with a bunch of women at his friend’s house which he’s been doing on a regular basis it has nothing to do with Evelyn not wanting to have sex with him anymore because he’s been doing these things on the beginning since he’s been married to her. But you also need to understand when you a man takes a woman out of a desperate situation who has grown up grown up for her whole life and a poor family and you give her the world financially and then you threaten to take all this from her because Steven Davis wasn’t getting what he wants he wasn’t in control of her is why things turned out the way it did. What is reason why I don’t believe that Evan murdered her husband and I believe it was more of the so-called boyfriend with the one press sharing her to do these things because he wanted her to himself is why I truly believe that the boyfriend was the one who Mastermind the plot to kill her husband and she was forced to come along as part of his plot to kill her husband
Hello Margaret, I have watched the tragedy of your son’s murder by the bitch Evelyn on YouTube .
I agree with you that Hoping she has a horrible life in prison.
In fact being in prison for 40 years will make her suffer more than if she had the death penalty because she’s suffering from the idea not to see her children anymore. On top of that a greedy person like her will not have the comfort she used to have in her very nice house, but instead
Will have to deal with the crowded , filthy environment she’s in, so it’s better she suffer that way.
I know that the death penalty would have been seen as a fare outcome but she would not suffer after what she did.
I hope you are doing better, and the children are doing well.
I would expect this from a bunch of women are you feminist.. you haven’t seen the end there’s a lot more going on with Evelyn’s case that you don’t know about because it’s not being posted or talked about you’re the one that’s going to be very upset when the truth comes out
I feel VERY, VERY, VERY SAD for the Young Lady Evelyn Bohol. I hope one day She gets to meet, hug and kiss Her 2 Children.
She will never see them again.
Why feeling sorry for a murderer!?
She had everything and she ruined her children’s life and her parents in law’s.
She will never meet them again, and I hope like Margaret she has a miserable life in jail because she deserves it.
Evelyn Bohol Davis. We’ll have the opportunity to do so because it has everyone knows there is evidence improved that the judge was being bribed in this case amongst all the other discrepancies and people’s testimony
Hi Roman , I am a filipina too like Evelyn please, don’t be sad for her behavior she deserve that way .We don’t tolerate the evil behavior . She totally destroyed her family .( Her very nice husband especially her children.) She came with the very poor family like me . She must be thankful for the blessings that God has given her instead. She choose a miserable life.. She must pay the price ..
Margaret (mother of Steven )sacrifice for the love of her beloved son .I really salute her . She did a good job . You are the best mother of your children..
( I am married to my wonderful Canadian husband . I am very happy for the blessings that God has given me.)
Roman please watch the” you tube” about that story..
Respectfully yours.
They will visit her, hug her, and understand that she was framed.
Please explain why Stevens business Mick who was with Steven when he was shot, when questioned that Evelyns bother in-law was taking a very risky chance of being identified by the police, as he wasn’t concealing his identity. Mikes simple explanation was the three perpetrators grabbed a cushion each to cover up their identities come on Mike you don’t really expect anyone reading that to really believe you? and also it’s quoted that one of the perpetrators actually took your girlfriend by her arm leading her to the toilet and locking her inside it, come on Mike explain how toilet doors locks work, from the best of my knowledge toilet doors lock from inside? So please explain how was she locked inside.
The book also fails to mention what line of business Mr Davis and yourself were into, why not?. Perhaps it was to embarrassing for the books author include it. I read somewhere the company got busted from time to time. Being a foreigner Mr Davis was treading on someone’s patch was seriously asking to take a bullet in a place like the Philippines? I also understand you can buy anything in the Philippines and that includes justice too, Evelyn was only claiming what was rightfully hers to claim, evelyn had no motive to murder her husband because his business should have transferred to her, Mr Davis would have had to pay her out after a divorce If ever there was one pending. Probably the money she should have been entitled to for her and the children was used to put her in jail for something that she clearly had nothing to do with. Framed!
Uh… It’s all there in the documentary and countless sources online??
But what you need to understand there is a lot of evidence and loopholes in people’s testimonies that was not brought up or messing in the court receipts is why Evelyn was convicted of murder she didn’t actually commit the murder but as everyone says she was behind it all which I don’t believe that this girl was not educated whatsoever with no type of education whatsoever how could a girl like this this young even come up with something sinister like this.
They have all the proves to convict her, she was in the car doing the lookout.
So she could tell al the lies, it was no use.
These people are good drama king and Queen, and big liars as well.
You are right Marie , Evelyn brother in law is one of the witness that he went with Evelyn with a car and the he asked Evelyn where they go?
“she was in the car doing the lookout.”
Who says so?
The witness that was co-accused for the murder , but walked free after telling the story Margaret wanted.
That is the only source. Do you trust it?
I don’t trust this story whatsoever the Evelyn sisters husband brother-in-law says exactly what Margaret wants to hear and then get set free how convenient for Margaret who had strong ties with the family in the house who are all cooperating with Margaret as you know it had nothing to do with mother to mother he was all about money is why everyone was testifying against Evelyn even her own family as you know Filipino families are not like this they don’t turn against their people.
i believe you. all scripted, framed and there is no evidences that leads to poor evelyn, only witnesses, witnesses bought with great some of money.
This is 100% true that there was no evidence whatsoever pointing to everyone fighting to kill her husband other than a great amount of money that was spent to get what Margaret Davis wanted by Margaret getting what she wanted to financial means to get Evelyn out of the picture she was the one to benefit from everything. It’s real easy to frame a poor innocent girl who grew up for and had nothing and to take anything away from her.. and people stated when they watch the video of the mother going in to see Evelyn for the last time as if she was convicted of murder did they state that Evan didn’t show any respect by standing up and talking to the mother why would she this is a woman who was against her from day one and did not walk with him so why should she even care or respect his mother when she hated her from day one.
I also believed all this was scripted to frame Evelyn and they all using her past against her to make her out to be the most evil woman in the world and she’s not. I read the courts free of the whole situation how they clean the Evelyn was on the run hiding in the jungles like the Philippines she had every reason to because she knows she would be bringing
Yes it was very easy for Margaret Davis to frame Evelyn because Margaret Davis had the financial needs to get what she wants as it has always been stated by many people that you can buy anything you want in the Philippines money matters in the Philippines money can buy anything as they say you can also buy Justice that’s exactly what Marcus Margaret Davis has done she paid everyone off to get what she wants and to get Evelyn out of the picture I support everyone. I don’t care what other people think of what I believe.
I’m very curious on the night that Steven Davis was gunned down in his bed that might done was in the room next door where they came in first and how they let him live and his girlfriend live that how he runs downstairs afterwards to call the cops and stated his own word that big children what does that tell you about Mike Dunn he automatically accused Evelyn of this has no clue what was going on other than three men coming to your apartment and shut
What bothers me the most is how everyone turns against Evelyn she was in the county jail for 7 months and the only visitors that she had was her father I feel for the father more than anything in the world because he’s losing his daughter and as he stated that he could not financially support her children and give them the education that they deserve and how Margaret Davis use this against him to get what she wants. If I was Evelyn’s father I would have told Margaret Davis to f*** herself that this is my daughter’s child and he will remain with her family. Regardless if I had the money or not the kids the child the education he deserves I would not give up the child to that evil Margaret Davis who’s been doing nothing but degrading and putting Evelyn down since the day one until this day 2022 Margaret Davis is still degrading Evelyn to this day which surprises me why she’s still sending update photos of her children and how this woman lost her son but is allowing everyone to live does this sound like a mother to you by Margaret Davis allowing Evelyn to live and spend the next 40 years of her life in jail is to keep everything quiet so no one will find out the truth about what Margaret was actually doing and and the fact that she spent $55,000 in the Philippines to get what she wanted makes you wonder how many people she paid off in the Philippines.
This is exactly my point there’s too many discrepancies in people’s testimony there’s too many witnesses lying your a****** as you know and as you have said money matters in the Philippines you got money as Margaret has she can buy anything she wants and she bought the Justice she wanted right financially supporting and giving money to all these people who have testified against everyone money will make these people testify against their own family they will do anything for money this is however Margaret got what she wanted by paying everyone off this will come to like truth will come out cuz everyone has as we know Margaret was against Evelyn from day one anyone knew on the video that Martin Davis did not want her son to marry Evelyn and they won so this gives Margaret Davis every mode of possible to get rid of Evelyn. And that’s exactly what Margaret Davis was able to do because Margaret was financing really capable of making this happen.
Heartbreaking documentary. I wish the mom and the kids all the best and I wish Evelyn a long long life in prison…….
I also truly believe that she was framed especially by the mother Margaret Davis as I have said in previous posts who has the most to gain from Evelyn being out of the picture if Evelyn is still in the picture and not in jail who would be the one gaining from it.
And as the law stated because he was a British national they didn’t want to have an international incident with the British council they wanted to avoid a bad situation is why everything turned out the way it did and that’s how Margaret was able to take her children from her.
And if you watch the video of Evelyn’s sister and brother-in-law telling their story in the video you can see how scared the death they are which is actual proof that there’s more to this story than was being.
Read Margaret Davies excellent book “For the Love of My Son” It will give you a clearer picture of everything this very intelligent, grieving mother, Margaret. had to go through, to get justice for her son Stephen.
I have no reason to believe anything that Margaret Davis has to say she cleaned all these things against this girl but she was the one who was against her son marrying her in the first place cuz the mother found out that she was a prostitute working in a bar so she had every reason to be against her from day one so anything that this woman has to say about ugly it’s a bunch of BS it’s obvious how Margaret got Evelyn out of the picture permanently so now the mother is benefiting from this whole situation as I said before who has the most benefit from this case is out of the picture.
Too late to know about the philipines story evellyin hobo. I’m crying so much while watching the video. OMG..i can’t say anything..just really want to know about jessica and joshua and also margaret and her husband.
Hope that they are doing well..and sure for steve he is a very good guy so he will got a good place in heaven..
I love you Margaret..
you and your husband really work hard for your grand childs.
God bless you Margaret and your husband..jessica and joshua😍😍😍😍😍
I can’t even say their mother’s name..i really hate what she just did to her good husband
Such an Evil woman in the world
Go to heal!!
Yes when I watch this video also it made me very sad and crying also but I can see how this girl is being brain by everyone everyone was against her.
Margaret Davis had every motor possible to get rid of Evelyn Bohol Davis . Because she was against her son marrying her from the beginning she was completely against her son marrying her but her son told his mother that I love her and she is going to be the mother of my children and raised it and raised his mother more than anything in the world why his mother was so determined and eager to get Evelyn out of the picture and because of this Margaret had the financial means to get what she wants in the Philippines is that as everyone knows you can buy anything you want in the Philippines as you as I read in other posts that you can also buy Justice in the Philippines nothing exactly what Marcus the Margaret David has done how do you think Margaret Davis was able to get all these witnesses to testify against Evelyn as they say money matters in the Philippines.