Wildlife experts and cameramen David Reichert and Jean François Barthod, travel to the remote volcanic archipelago of the Crozet islands in the southern Indian Ocean to film the surrounding nature and wildlife.
Enduring raging winds and icy waters with minimal protection, David enters the intimacy of elephant seals and orcas using clever ethological analyses. Over time, these animals become used to his presence and open up their world to him.
Throughout A Man Among Orcas, we’ll get well aquatinted with Davids wildlife communication skills, as he interacts with penguins through body language, calms young seals while being able turns them into live pillows and swims with 8 ton orcas or mature male seals underwater.
David Reichert wildlife expertise shows how bonding with the nature around us can give us a peek into these animals world.
To achieve this stunning footage, David spent 4 months in an isolated bay on an island 2000 miles away from the nearest continent with Jean François Barthod, another talented filmmaker and director with a solid experience in feature films.
Thankyou for this video. I think this is my ALLTIME FAVORITE of all the videos i’ve watched in my 67 years. Perfect from beginning to end. A breath of fresh air 😉
Great to hear Sky, it is indeed a great documentary. 🙂