This short video gives an insight into the mental health of a young man. According to the psychologists examining him, he displays a catatonic schizophrenic mental disorder. The interview seeks to enlighten his condition to psychologists and/or students of psychology.
The interview is a part of a longer psychiatric interview series, produced for the Department of Psychiatry, School of Medicine, by the Motion Picture Division, Theatre Arts Department, University of California, Los Angeles in the year 1961. The young man is identified as patient number 18 out of courtesy for his privacy.
Catatonic schizophrenia is serious neurological or psychological condition in which two kinds of behaviours are typically displayed: stupor and motor rigidity or excitement. When people experience rigidity or stupor, they are unable to speak, respond or even move.
Who was Patient 18?
There are different stories as to who patient 18 was and how his life turned out. These stories are interwoven from internet derived rumors and comments of those who supposedly knew him. Medical records on patient 18 are few.
Since the video gained viral interest, some of these stories have gained traction. Starting from rumors to becoming facts for those who are looking to sate their curiousity.
Here are two of these stories which spread on the net without any known credible sources:
His name is ‘Stephen E.’. He is 79 now and lives with his wife of 43 years in a peaceful setting. Here is what Stephen said:
I had multiple arrests (2 felonies) and hospitalizations on my road from crisis to regaining my independence and dignity.
If I hadn’t had a social worker;
if I hadn’t had a doctor;
if I hadn’t had medications, …I would be homeless;
I’d be in jail;
or I’d be dead.
But I’m well!This is what happens when you:
have the services;
have a solution (and medication does help me.);
have someone to lead you to the place you need to be in order to move forward with your life; for me it was my dad.Around 1969 or ’70 (don’t remember), I had a psychotic ‘break’ and my dad got tired of fighting with me;
I ended up walking down the street naked at night.
A police officer who was ‘Crisis-Intervention trained’ picked me up.
He treated me with respect.
I said, ‘Don’t handcuff me; I haven’t broken the law.’
He says ‘Okay.’
He says ‘What kind of music do you like?’,
and I said, ‘Rock and Roll!’, and he turns the radio dial until he picks up the Beatles’ ‘Let It Be’. I’ll never forget that.
I remember saying ‘This is better than a taxi ride!’…
And then I got a social worker, who led me to a good psychiatrist, who prescribed meds.
Then I became well;
I have a lovely wife, kids, and grandkids, and 1 great-grandkid!
I pay taxes!;
I have friends;
I graduated with a Masters in Social Working;
I served as a member of the ‘Intergovernmental Serious Mentally Ill and Serious Emotional Disorder Committee (ISMICC) which consists of 14 non-federal employees who are tasked with reporting annually to Congress about the state of mental health care in the nation.I’m well!
Another commenter tells a rather different story about patient 18: “Stephen” presumably ended his life by drug overdose after having spent 40 or so years in and out of health institutions.
This man was my uncle. I’m not going to give any names, but for those of you who are concerned with how things turned out for him, not well. There’s so much to address here.
First let me say that he was being treated in this video with meds. Without the medication his mood ranged from complete delusion to catatonic.
As for being gay, I don’t think he had much of a sex drive at all. With or without meds.
As for the idea that he was put here because he was gay by some unloving family, that’s ridiculous. I don’t have time to say all the things my family tried just to make his existence somewhat peaceful just for his own sake.
My family had a couple of openly homosexual and lesbians in it even back in the sixties and with the exception of my mother’s father no one gave a shit. My uncle suffered with meds and even more without.
After forty some odd years, most of which he spent in institutions, he took his own life by way of drug overdose.
By the way, the comment about the plot twist, he never had a piano was funny because he didn’t. His seeming obsession with piano came and went as did obsessions with religion, especially the Catholic Church and government.
As far as I know he couldn’t play a lick. He was very ill at his best and a living shell at his worst. I hope that answers some questions because that’s all I have to say on the matter.
He’s been gone since the late eighties and I really hope that other members of my family don’t see this video, mostly because of the comments from people that somehow think they understand him better than the people who suffered with him.
One last thing, I think people thought that he was talking about sitting or standing effeminately or something. No, he was talking about sitting or standing motionless for hours.
Usually not even his facial expression would change but when it did it was usually related to something in his mind only.
I really can’t begin to tell you all how heartbreaking the whole thing was. He did seem intelligent and with meds he did remind me of a high functioning guy with autism I once met.
Although either story is believable; it is to be remembered both stories are un-sourced with no credibility or factual evidence.
Until the Department of Psychiatry willingly hands over patient details to the public on patient 18 – who he really was and what happened to him is still partly shrouded in mystery.
- Info
- Release date1961
- Full runtime
- Director(s)Unknown
- Production companyMotion Picture Division
Well, this is for his family. I’m sorry for your loss. Sounds like you tried your best for him. God bless
Jonas has done right by this column but I have found the longer video. This will show so much more to the patients encounter as it rolls to just as the patient leaves. After the ten minutes, notice how the patient is ‘consciously’ obedient to the interviewer by following instruction not to leave. This can’t be Catatonic nor Skitz. I’m nearly sure.
Jonas is seriously real about the subject. Damn, I wish I could turn back time.
I can’t let this go to be a ‘borrowed book’ that the university of California/Berkeley was given. A psych aid for science presumption. I have also found that this is a video to aid the ‘Art of Act’. Now that is sick. I wish that this young man could have been the subject of future care. Jonas, I need to find more. I so wish I could turn back time and help. I may be able to do something for this man, “and know that I’m not late”. Do me a favor, bro, messege me of anything you find. There is either a book or some other production from this to make others aware. This is the first time I have encounterd such poor life that, now I can say, “I don’t even know that I am born”
To whom that has written this article,
would you be so kind as to give the original links to both story suggestions as my internet search cannot find any such reply on both stories other than this article. Thank you.
Hello Daz, both stories were taken from the YouTube video comments section in 2018. Whether they’re there now or have been deleted is unknown to me. Other articles regarding this same subject do reference TheSoothsayer 42 to be the original poster of the interview (and patient 18 his uncle).
Regardless – those are the stories now existing as remnants of the discussion on patient 18. I hope this clears some things up.
Almost. Thank you. So, Jonas? Can you tell me more? (email removed)
I know we shouldnt give email away. at least,not at this stage. as u can imagine that this is an important subject. is ther n e mor, jonas?
Hi Daz, I’ll keep an eye out and update things once new information has been attained on patient 18.
The second story sounds a lot more believable than the first.
It does, Iolz, but I can’t find these story suggestions anywhere on the internet other than on this post.
Honestly he seems like he’s more on the autism spectrum rather than being a catatonic schizophrenic, but I guess it’s hard to label him anything due to the short duration of the video. Super weird guy.
Initially I thought that, Spam. I’m almost sure he is schizophrenic but then could schizophrenia be linked to autism?
What a strange guy
Only a simplified version of you and I!
Look up Phillip Piorkowski on Facebook. There is a past life theory that involves these two and they both look so similar it’s scary.
looking up that now…
There is, of course, so many listed. Can you be more specific, Phil? Cheers.
The first “story” is exactly that, a story, and a poorly written and unbelievable one at that. The guy in that video doesn’t come across, in the remotest sense, as anyone who would have committed felonies and then followed some lame character arc to become member of some institution and reports to Congress. I call complete BS on this first story.
The second story sounds very plausible and highly likely.
Yup, I agree but I can’t find either of these story suggestions anywhere on the internet other than on this post so I’m unsure whether they are simply ‘made’ for this articl. In otherwords, I suspect this article to be amature (no offense to the writer) to the YouTube post until I am partially convinced. I’m not here on this site to simply argue reality but dying to find out some truth behind this extraordinary recording. I can with help, thus; I’ve already requested the original Links to the two story suggestions from the writer of this article.
sounds weird, do not believe it
I’m not sure that testimony even sounds like the man in the video. The interview in the video is almost a decade before 1969/70 where he describes he finally got help. So what help did he not get as he was interviewed in 1960? I’m just curious.
Doesn’t add up, and there is no evidence that “Stephen” even exists. The timeline doesn’t add up, if this is 1961, then only after a full 8/9 years later in 1960/70 did he “get a social worker, who led me to a good psychiatrist, who prescribed meds”…so he didn’t get meds in the previous 8/9 years!?..yeah right!!!. There is no way that testimonial is written by a 79/80 year old, it reads like it was written by someone decades younger.
The ISMICC was only established last year, and no one named Stephen was on the 14-member non-federal panel.
You should be curious because that first post was quite clearly ‘bogus’ thus; there are a two intervening proclamation of which one is quite clearly untrue. Could both suggested stories be unreal? Every one on this timeline is concerned for the truth. I’m not in dyer need for the truth but I would so like to know that this beautiful mans life wasn’t wasted on speculation that if he were born fifty years later that things would have been nearly fixed, for him. I so hope we are dealing with whatever he was; we know how to deal with it now. Any ideas, EZ? Could make a great film if proceeds went to the cause!