The Saturn V Story

The Saturn V Story shows the history behind the space technology invented to get to outer space and getting a man on the moon in 1969.

This technology race to reach outer space was born out of the cold war where both Russia and the USA fought to gain supremacy. Getting full power over the ground and air wasn’t enough and new ways to getting intel had to be created. The battle for space had begun, kickstarting the first human space race from 1957 to 1975.

The engineering ingenuity to achieve this goal was such a big feat that completely new technologies had to be invented.

As the Russians took the lead in the start, creating and launching the satellite Sputnik I (Oct. 4, 1957) and getting the first man in space successfully, Russian astronaut Yuri Gagarin, the United States saw themselves falling behind.

To counter the Russians, the USA would go on to create space programs of their own to conquer space. In 1961, President Kennedy put forward a pledge to outdo the Russians; to put a man on the moon by the end of the decade. At this time, however, no power or technological capability existed to take on this challenge.

Until one man named Werner Von Braun came to picture. Von Braun believed he had the knowledge and vision to make Kennedy’s dream a reality.

With the American public galvanized and the expertise of over 200,000 scientists and engineers, Von Braun masterminded the development of the Saturn V – the rocket that flew 24 men to the Moon and launched the greatest adventure in the history of exploration.

This is the story of the most powerful machine ever built, and the men and women who believed it could fly.

Using visual effects, stunning NASA footage and expert interviews with Apollo space scientists, this inspirational film tells the story of the colossal challenges NASA faced to achieve Kennedy’s pledge.

With the accolade of flying 24 men safely to the moon, the mighty Saturn V will always be considered one of mankind’s greatest technological achievements.

The Saturn V Story
  • Info
  • Release date2014
  • Full runtime
  • Director(s)Elliot Weaver, Zander Weaver
  • Production companyElliander Pictures