Gardeners’ World

Gardeners’ World explores the wonders of gardening and takes a look at the optimal ways to grow and store healthy plants.

Episode 1

Episode 1

in the first episode, host Monty reflects on how his garden has fared during an extraordinarily wet winter and gets going on a few essential tasks to get the garden into gear for the seasons to come.

While planting and getting into the hobby of gardening, the episode is visited by an enthusiastic guest who has a passion for plants in pots and curates a display of over one thousand in her own garden.

Episode 2

Episode 1: Mountains

The tips to grow and nurture your garden continues in episode two.

Unpacking the professional growing tricks from Monty, we’ll get better acquainted with the newly planted plants and tour some of the suburban gardens of Britain.

Gardeners’ World
  • Info
  • Release date2020
  • Full runtime
  • Director(s)Kath Moore, Mark Scott
  • Production companyUnscripted Productions