Cold War: The Full Documentary Series

Cold War: The Complete Documentary Series follows the full history behind the cold war, what led up it and how it eventually ended.

The series discusses through a whopping 24 episodes how the power struggles and ideologies of 20th century superpowers culminated into World War 2 and could have become a frighteningly scary nuclear war afterwards as the cold war was at its height.

To understand the behaviour and choices by the powers of its heyday, the Cold War series takes us back to early-to-mid 20th century during World War 2 and hereafter.

From the war’s ashes, two super powers stood tall – both of them interested in gaining the upper hand and letting the influx of its political scene envelope as much of the globe as it could.

These power struggles were between United States and the Soviet Union, two super powers with the most destructive bomb known to man at the time – the nuclear bomb.

With fierce political and diplomatic engagements, both countries would go through decades of political uncertainty. In effect, this created a constant unease and fear of the nuclear bombs dropping.

A fear which would last until the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991 and a seemingly stable peace hereafter.

Cold War: The Full Documentary Series
  • Info
  • Release date1998
  • Full runtime
  • Director(s)Tessa Coombs
  • Production companyCNN