Living in poverty-stricken Buey Arriba, Cuba, a family grieves for their loves ones. With few means of modern technology and resources, life is tough in rural Cuba.
Overall, this hardship contributes to seemingly intense living conditions.
Ramon, a 12 year old son, has committed suicide. He hanged himself with a rope gathered from his father’s ox.
He will be joining 6 other suicides in the same family. Three hanged themselves, and four set themselves afire – burning alive.
Pondering who’s to blame for all their misery, the family turns to the church to gain insight and redemption from their tears.
They visit friends, family and loved ones, to talk it through – and even though they find compassion through them, they have become slaves to the misery surrounding the sons death.
A Paradise works as a “fly on the wall” documentary, giving the family a powerfull voice to tell their story and perhaps finding their way to the surface once more.
- Info
- Release date2013
- Full runtime
- Director(s)Jayisha Patel
- Production companyescuela internacional De Cine y Televisión