The Celts: Blood, Iron and Sacrifice

The history of the Celts

This historical documentary series carefully examines Celtic archaeological and anthropologist discoveries to retell the story of the Celts – one of the world’s most mysterious ancient people.

Produced by FilmRise Documentaries, the series showcases three different episodes where anthropologist Alice Roberts and archaeologist Neil Oliver guide us through a rich Celtic history.

To gather the archaeological, historical and anthropological data on the Celts, our expert guides travel all across Europe. Here, they carefully document the history behind their religion and origins – both through human remains and Celtic artifacts.

From these ashes a sophisticated society and culture awaken once again, giving us a glimpse of a rich tribal culture. It was culture which influenced vast areas of ancient Europe, one that even went head to head against the once mighty Roman empire.

Episode 1

Episode 1

Episode 1 explains where the Celts originated from and their first meeting with the Romans. In the beginning, war between the two factions led to Roman losses – essentially leaving the Celts with all the plunder and Rome severely weakened.

Episode 2

Episode 2

Episode 2 documents how the influence and armies of the Celts reached from Britain to central Turkey. The Celtic golden age was at it highest until new threats arose by the middle of the first century BC.

Julius Caesar and the Roman Empire is on several military campaigns to ensure an expanding empire. To stop their advance, Gallic warrior Vercingetorix takes on the challenge of halting the Romans. Their war would ensure how Europe was to be shaped for all future generations.

Episode 3

Episode 3

The Roman onslaught continues in episode 3 which takes a look at the end of the Celts. The Roman empire has secured victory in mainland Europe and now set its eyes on an island north of France, Britain.

The island is rich in resources and rife for Roman conquest. To stop the Romans plundering and slaughtering their home, a powerful Celtic leader arise to take the flame where Vercingetorix failed. Her name is Boudicca and history remembers her as a fearless Celtic warrior queen.

The Celts: Blood, Iron and Sacrifice
  • Info
  • Release date2015
  • Full runtime
  • Director(s)Jeremy Hall, Michael Lachmann