Alien vs. Predator - Armageddon: The Rage War 3 is read aloud as an audiobook in this post. It is the last book in the Rage War trilogy and delves into the final showdown between Humans, Predators and Aliens.
Read aloud as an audiobook, Alien - Invasion: The Rage War 2 takes a look at how every planet is being overrun by the Xenomorphs and how humanity enters an alliance with the Predators to stop them.
Read aloud as an audiobook, Predator - Incursion: The Rage War 1 awakens the trilogy story of Predators VS. Aliens. In the first book we'll focus on humanity and their side of the story.
'The Rats in the Walls' is a short story by American author H. P. Lovecraft. It was written in August–September 1923 and now read aloud as a audio book by narrator Ian Gordon.