
The latest on business from company, financial and economic developments to insights and analysis into the ever-changing global markets.
When billions of dollars are at stake, just how far are corporations willing to go to protect their bottom line? This is a film about a US-owned gold mining corporation in Peru destroying the environment versus the people trying to preserve it.
The New Silk Road is one of the most ambitious undertakings by far to be put forward by the Chinese president Xi Jinping. 10,000 kilometers of road, a railway line and a shipping route from western China to Europe via Kazakhstan, the Urals and Moscow. In the form of a geopolitical road movie, this documentary looks at the far-reaching shifts in the Eurasian power balance.
The Future Cities series takes us inside some of the world’s biggest startup nations - Israel, and Shenzhen in China, looking at how and why the cities have evolved so rapidly.