Undercover Asia sets out to investigate the social crisis known as Kodokushi – otherwise known as lonely death. In Japan an estimated 30,000 people per year die alone in their homes. This documentary looks at some of these cases.
Specialist ‘Lonely Death’ cleaner Masuda started his business 15 years ago after finding an elderly neighbour dead in her apartment.
Masuda’s young female assistant Miyu, is motivated by the lonely death of her alcoholic father. Together, they tackle the grim aftermath of two shocking cases.
In Yokohama, a wealthy middle aged man dies alone but his relatives are unwilling to come to the apartment to collect his possessions.
In Ibaraki, a man in his 60’s has been dead for two months before his neighbour raises the alarm after her apartment becomes infested with maggots and flies. The man was unable to pay his bills and had all his amenities cut off.
Miyu discovers he has been defecating into buckets for five years because he had no running water.
The deceased man’s brother turns up to collect his possessions and Miyu learns how and why the siblings lost contact.
- Info
- Release date2017
- Full runtime
- Director(s)Shiori Ito
- Production companyStorytime Films
I’m not really surprised about the rising number of people dying alone, but wow is it sad. Big respect to those who who clear the homes of the deceased though, now that is a tough job.