66 million years ago dinosaurs went extinct and a new species took over: The mammals. Life After Dinosaurs details the journey and life of the mammals since 160 million years ago until today.
Although, despite the title, less than half this program occurs after the dinosaurs went extinct, this documentary introduces us to a wide variety of our furry ancestors and a bird or two including a few that coexisted with the dinosaurs.
Since life began, many amazing animals have lived on the Earth. We call the long period from 230 million years ago to 66 million years ago the Age of Reptiles. During this time, giant reptiles ruled the land, sky and sea.
The Age of Reptiles was abruptly ended however, by a mass extinction caused by a gigantic meteorite 66 million years ago. It set the world aflame and changed the atmosphere. Dinosaurs were unable to cope with this new reality and a new species started to take over. This marked the beginning of the Cenozoic period, or the Age of Mammals.
Although the science behind Life After Dinosaurs adds up skillfully, the documentary is over 7 years old. This means newer discoveries, like feathered dinosaurs, isn’t shown.

In 2016 a piece of amber was found holding the remains of a T. rex cousin’s 99-million-year old tail feathers.
The 3.6 centimetre lump of amber, which is hardened tree resin, was discovered in a market in Myitkyina, Burma, where it had been offered for sale as a curiosity or item of jewellery.
The dinosaur feathered tail-fossil within it, is an astonishing find – interesting enough it was originally mistaken for plant material.